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Your project name will appear on the site and in your reports. You can use the name of your clinic, the name of your research study, or your name along with your credentials.

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Your password must be at least 6 characters long, and contain at least one upper-case letter, one lower-case letter, one number, and one special character.

Add Administrations

You can buy more assessment administrations at a later time.

The SAGE-SR Core is a self-report screening and diagnostic tool based strictly on the DSM-5. It covers the 30 most common diagnoses. The average completion time is 5-15 minutes.

SAGE-SR Intake
The SAGE-SR: Intake is a comprehensive evaluation that covers various aspects of a patient's life, from demographics to personal behavioral health history. It is designed to gather detailed information about the patient, providing a holistic view of their circumstances.
A credit will be added for each SAGE-SR Core that you purchase.

The SAGE-SR Personality evaluates the presence of traits related to Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal, Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Avoidant, Dependent, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders.

The NetSCID-5 RV (Research Version) is a research-oriented version of the SCID-5 that is designed to be administered by interviewers without personal knowledge of the client or their medical history. Please note that the RV is also available in Spanish. If you are interested in this translated version, please contact TeleSage.

The NetSCID-5 CV is a digital version of the SCID-5 designed to be administered by a clinician with knowledge of the client's medical history.

The NetSCID-5 PD is a digital version of the SCID-5 with a focus on personality disorders.

The NetDISC-5, a computerized version of the DISC-5, assesses approximately 30 common psychiatric diagnoses of children and adolescents. The DISC is designed for interviewer administration or self-completion and has separate assessments for the youth and their parent.


Item Total Price
SAGE-SR $0.00
SAGE-SR Personality $0.00
NetSCID-RV $0.00
NetSCID-CV $0.00
NetSCID-PD $0.00
NetDISC-5 $0.00
Total Amount Due $0.00